

Ghost Shrimp
Golden Wonder Killi
Dead dish

Dalmatian Molly
Fishy Tip #1 - Fish can't swim in hexagons

Here's hoping the fish survive!
Patrick and I
Patrick holding "the reaper" as it has come to be known
Powder Blue Gourami
Fishy Tip #2 Don't bang on glass


  1. Very cute!! Keep posting updates!! I'm Kiara1125 from I love how you put this together to track your progress. By the way, where did you get that fish counter? I NEED one!! :) Good luck and if I can help in any way, please let me know. Also, (about the fish freaking out with the knocking on the glass) I would lightly tap my tank in a certain spot right before I fed my fish. Now, whenever someone taps the tank rush over like, "FEED ME!!!". xD

    1. Thanks Kiara. We definitely will keep the updates going. Strangely enough the fish counter is just a widget provided by Blogger. But it worked perfectly for us.

      If you have any advice for a second fish I'm all ears. Something particularly hardy. Thanks again for the feedback, keep checkinf up on us. - Steve
