
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

High Five to Us!

“The day is ours!” Patrick and I exclaimed this morning as our eyes beheld the sight of three happy and healthy fish, frolicking and romping about in their own little piece of paradise. As I mentioned yesterday, the first night has proven to be the “danger zone” based on our previous catastrophes. They ALL survived.

We have overcome monumental hurdles to reach this point. I might have even given up on this project all together had it not been for that persistent little Dalmatian Molly, who I must remind you survived a 90 percent death rate in his freshwater frontier.  Also it should be noted that he has clearly grown in size.

Daily water changes are still a necessity and shall continue to be for another week if all goes correctly. The salt additive seems to be a non-issue, although the fish do appear much more active and colorful. Thus far the results are heartening.    

We now set our sights on larger accomplishments.

After extensive deliberation and strenuous reflection Patrick and I feel that after our hard work and dedication that we have grown beyond the usual selections offered by PetSmart or even the local store mentioned in a previous post. Recently on a freshwater forum, I was referred to a website that ships more unique varieties of fish, They have quite the selection and the prices are fairly reasonable. I particularly wanted an angel fish but Patrick spotted a red swordtail fish. It’s a very cool looking fish but the website claims it needs 30 gallons for some reason. We might just get two more small fish maybe a guppy and an angel, saving our more exotic fish for the 75 gallon tank. Oh, did I just say that?

Well since I let it slip I’ll fill you guys in. After the experience gained from this tank and once it is truly stabilized we will begin exploratory measures for a 75 gallon tank. “But why that big?” you might ask. One word, “sharks”. 

Stephen DiJulius
Current Fish Count: 3

P.S. I might add an angel fish today. Check back tomorrow to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! this is so cool!! Sharks?!
