“The day is ours!” Patrick and I exclaimed this morning as
our eyes beheld the sight of three happy and healthy fish, frolicking and
romping about in their own little piece of paradise. As I mentioned yesterday, the
first night has proven to be the “danger zone” based on our previous catastrophes.
They ALL survived.
We have overcome monumental hurdles to reach this point. I might
have even given up on this project all together had it not been for that
persistent little Dalmatian Molly, who I must remind you survived a 90 percent
death rate in his freshwater frontier. Also
it should be noted that he has clearly grown in size.
Daily water changes are still a necessity and shall continue
to be for another week if all goes correctly. The salt additive seems to be a non-issue,
although the fish do appear much more active and colorful. Thus far the results
are heartening.
We now set our sights on larger accomplishments.
Well since I let it slip I’ll fill you guys in. After the
experience gained from this tank and once it is truly stabilized we will begin exploratory
measures for a 75 gallon tank. “But why that big?” you might ask. One word, “sharks”.
Stephen DiJulius
Current Fish Count: 3
P.S. I might add an angel fish today. Check back tomorrow to find out.
Oh my goodness!! this is so cool!! Sharks?!