Welcome to Fishtopia, population 6, plus one proletariat
crustacean that retains only partial citizenship. Every day is a balmy 78
degrees and the colorful fish flakes fall like leaves in autumn. Life in our great underwater
experiment is good.
Patrick and I decided to add three small fish to the previous population. Two guppies and one tiger striped platy. We wanted to add an angelfish but the specimens at PetSmart seemed a bit... inactive. With the new residents the tank looks great and the ammonia isn’t rising above .25 ppm, but there is one small dilemma.
The amount of fish that can “happily” live in our tank seems to be in question. It has become clear to me that there isn’t a conclusive population formula; and that Patrick and I will have to choose whose advice to follow. I can break it down to basically two schools of fish – I mean thought.
Nonspecific, PetSmart-ish advice: One inch of fish per gallon. Now with this line of thinking we are fine, as long as we don’t mix aggressive and non-aggressive, which are basically the only two categories of fish at PetSmart. The guppies and platy are one inch fish. The molly, gourami and killi are all two inch fish. That totals to nine inches; close but still safe according to PetSmart. I’m not including the ghost shrimp because, well partial citizenship and all that. Then there is the other school…
Uncompromising, fanatical and frenzied fish keeping advice: While these people seem a bit intense at times I will be the first to thank them for their invaluable advice. Patrick and I would not have the success that we enjoy today had it not been for these glittering gems of society. So on that note, most of them have told me that we have overstocked our tank. Not because of numbers however, but because of the type of fish, particularly the molly and gourami. Simply put, they need a bigger tank. When the time comes they will be moved to the 75 gallon tank as soon as it is up and running. Until then much research must be done.
As far as the vital statistics go for our ten gallon tank, well, the fish are alive. It has been slightly over 24 hours since we have done a water change and the ammonia is still at .25 ppm. This tells me, and Patrick concurs that this is an indication of beneficial bacteria establishing itself. That it is beginning to transfer the ammonia into nitrites.
Because of the current stability in Fishtopia's societal intricacies, I think the daily post will be cut to weekly. So check back in about a week for an in-depth analysis of the fish's relationship to one another - who are the movers and shakers of Fishtopia? Is there a buoyant bully in the works and could he rise to despotic dictator? Or perhaps efficient technocrat? Time will tell.
Stephen DiJulius
Current Fish Count: 6
yay!!! it's so weird how you get things to work!!